
Sunday is Not The Sabbath? (BOOK)

$ 20.00

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Brand: ABMI

Arthur Bailey Ministries Presents "Sunday Is Not The Sabbath?" Do you believe that the Sabbath is Sunday? What is the history of the Sabbath and how and when did it get...

Arthur Bailey Ministries Presents "Sunday Is Not The Sabbath?" Do you believe that the Sabbath is Sunday? What is the history of the Sabbath and how and when did it get changed to Sunday? Discover the answers to your questions about the seventh-day versus the first-day of the week Sabbath debate in this easy-to-read, must-have book for all people of faith!

This is the 2nd English Edition/Reprint
Included in this edition are 62 more pages packed with resource material and references to defend the seventh-day (Saturday) Sabbath.
5.5" x 8.5" (13.97 x 21.59 cm)
Black & White on White paper
170 pages