
Hanukkah: The Hidden Truth (Book)

$ 8.00

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Brand: Arthur Bailey Ministries

Is Hanukkah A Biblical Feast?   In today’s times of so many religious beliefs and traditions, it is important to examine what we celebrate and why. Is it holy and commanded by...

Is Hanukkah A Biblical Feast?  
In today’s times of so many religious beliefs and traditions, it is important to examine what we celebrate and why. Is it holy and commanded by the Almighty? 
One of the most important seasons of the year for many people is the month of December. For Jewish people and for those who follow Messiah Yeshua, the Festival of Hanukkah remains a popular celebration. But are those who celebrate it even aware of the history behind this festival? Why is the truth hidden? 
In this easy-to-read teaching on one of the most celebrated feasts of the year, learn the hidden truth behind a winter festival that many people enjoy. Here Dr. Arthur Bailey answers common questions such as: 
• Is Hanukkah a biblical feast? 
• Is Hanukkah celebration commanded? 
• What is the Festival of Lights? 
• What is the Feast of Dedication? 
• When is the Feast of Tabernacles?  
• Is Hanukkah the Jewish Christmas? 
• Is there prophetic significance in Hanukkah? 
• Is there anything wrong with celebrating Hanukkah? 
Discover the hidden truth about this colorful, highly celebrated holiday that, like the Christian Christmas, is not exactly what we have been told for decades!

6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Black & White on White paper
44 pages