Shemitah The Year of Release (DVD) Zoom

Shemitah The Year of Release (DVD)

$ 7.50

- $ 15.00

Availability: In stock

Brand: ABMI

What is the Shemitah? What is a year of release? Where and when is this required to be done? Is the Shemitah only for the Jewish people? Who or what is...

What is the Shemitah? What is a year of release? Where and when is this required to be done? Is the Shemitah only for the Jewish people? Who or what is "released?" Is the Shemitah just about debt cancellation? Learn important information about the 7-year biblical cycle of Shemitah (release) in this fascinating teaching by Dr. Arthur Bailey. Single DVD, approximately 1.5 hours of teaching.