
The New Covenant - A Better Covenant

$ 8.00

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Brand: Arthur Bailey Ministries

Have you been told the Law has been "done away with?" Do you believe that the Law of the Old Testament no longer applies today?   When Yeshua said “This is the...

Have you been told the Law has been "done away with?" Do you believe that the Law of the Old Testament no longer applies today?  
When Yeshua said “This is the New Testament in my blood,” what was he talking about? A collection of books that had not yet been written? Or a portion of the Bible that did not exist? Was he speaking about something that was to come later? Or was he fulfilling something that had already been written? 
What is the New Covenant? Who was the New Covenant made with? Is the New Testament the New Covenant? 
In this thought-provoking, eye-opening teaching, Arthur Bailey clears up long-held misconceptions and elaborates on the definitions of “covenant” and “testament.” 
Learn the truth about the New Covenant and the New Testament in this practical examination of Covenants, Promises and Proper Relationship with YeHoVaH, our Elohim (God).

5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm) 
Black & White on White paper
92 pages