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For centuries Christian leaders have been declaring how “It is finished!” while promoting the “gospel of Jesus”
and the “finished work of the cross.” But the question is, "Did Messiah Yeshua ever reveal what he meant when
he cried 'It is finished!' just before he died?" What was “it” that he declared was finished? You may be surprised
to learn what “it” is; that Yeshua is still ministering today and that he also has ministry yet to come.
Indeed “it” is far from finished.
Learn important truths such as who are our true family and how the Christian gospel is teaching lawlessness as
you delve into the story of Yeshua’s ongoing ministry. Discover how true believers and today’s messengers of the
gospel of Yeshua are called to holiness and how now more than ever, there is much work yet to be done.
Fellowship Location:
House Of Israel
3601 Rose Lake Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28217- United States
Fellowship Times:
Sabbath Service @ 11AM
Thursday Service @ 7PM
Friday Premiere @ 8PM
Mailing Address: Phone: 888-899-1479
Arthur Bailey Ministries
PO Box 1182
Fort Mill, SC 29716- United States
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