Delighting in the Sabbath
$ 8.00
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Brand: Arthur Bailey Ministries
Why call the Sabbath a “delight”?
If you have ever longed to honor the Seventh Day Sabbath established by the Creator but didn’t know how to do so, you may have found yourself trying to find things to fill this set apart day or you simply followed manmade traditions but you never really felt fulfillment doing so. Perhaps guilt surrounded doing some of the activities or you simply did the very best you could without a true understanding of what the Father wants for us on this, His specially ordained day of “rest.”
Is there a certain way we are to keep the Sabbath holy?
Can’t we just do what we want as long as we don’t work?
Does it really matter to our Elohim what we do?
In this anointed new teaching by David Rogers, learn what the Father desires for each of his children to do to honor the day He established as a gift to us, as He prepares to meet us personally and corporeally on the Sabbath.
Understand what “resting” truly means as you come to appreciate and partake of the “delicate delights” of this holy, set apart day. You will understand and feel the warmth of the Almighty’s love for us as we learn to set aside our own desires and walk as He calls us to do through Messiah. You will now and forever call Sabbath a true delight!
5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
Black & White on White paper
78 pages