What About Grace? (5 DVDs) Zoom

What About Grace? (5 DVDs)

$ 27.50

- $ 55.00

Availability: In stock

Brand: Arthur Bailey Ministries

Believers agree according to scripture that “by grace are we saved” However, the Bible clearly states “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”   Many...

Believers agree according to scripture that “by grace are we saved” However, the Bible clearly states “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”


Many who are called believers in Messiah misunderstand grace, faith and salvation and how it relates to YeHoVaH’s Law.


In this 4 DVD teaching you will learn why we cannot cut and paste scriptures and other important topics today including why we must keep YeHoVaH’s Law for the hope of salvation and the power of the Holy Spirit who still fills believers.

Absolutely relevant and must-read teaching for people of any faith!